Growing Phlox In Pots

Phlox makes a great container plant. Creeping varieties are a good choice for the spiller role in container gardens. Tall phlox may be used as the thriller role, but their height may limit them for use in only larger containers. Purchase a dwarf variety of tall phlox or an annual cultivar for the thriller role in medium-sized pots. A shorter variety will create a more balanced-looking container garden. Place containers on sunny patios, decks, along walkways, and entrances.


Planting Phlox in Pots

Perennial phlox can be potted up in late spring. Do not plant annual phlox in outdoor containers until after the threat of frost has passed. Place the pot in a full sun location. Areas that receive at least 6 hours of sun a day are considered full sun locations. Always use a container with a drainage hole to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged during heavy rainfall events. Glazed containers will need to be watered less frequently than non-glazed ones.

Best Soil For Phlox in Pots

Fill containers with a good quality soilless potting mix. Mix granular fertilizer or compost into the soil before adding plants.


Caring For Phlox in Planters

Phlox are low-maintenance plants. Creeping phlox need regular watering. Fertilize other phlox varieties after flower buds form. Deadhead faded flowers and water during dry periods.

Watering Phlox in Pots

Phlox plants need an inch of water a week. Check the top few inches of soil for dryness every few days and water if necessary. Add water until it begins to seep out the drainage hole. Check containers more often during hot weather periods. Containers, especially non-glazed ones tend to dry out more quickly than garden soil.

Fertilizing Phlox in Pots

Add a balanced 10-10-10 granular fertilizer blend or compost to the soil in the pot before planting phlox. Fertilize phlox a second time between bud formation and flowering. There is no need to fertilize creeping varieties a second time since they will bloom soon after being planted.


Winter Care For Phlox in Pots

Before cold weather sets in, move containers that are not frost hardy into a garage, shed or other storage space for the winter. Containers left outside and exposed to cold rain and snow may crack as the temperature fluctuates above and below freezing during the winter months. Phlox plants die back and go into dormancy over the winter. There is no need to water them.

Can Phlox Be Grown Indoors

Creeping phlox can be grown indoors as a houseplant. Keep the soil moist and place it in a room with south-facing windows for maximum sun exposure. Growing tall or annual phlox cultivars indoors is not recommended. Tall phlox need a period of dormancy, and annual phlox has a short life cycle.

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 Author Maureen Farmer - Published 02-22-2022