Availability : In Stock

Espoma Organic Seed Starter

Availability : In Stock
  • Ideal for seed starting and rooting cuttings
  • Enhances root growth and plant vigor
  • 100% natural and organic
  • Safe for people, pets, and the environment

Espoma Organic Seed Starter is the perfect mix for seedlings and cuttings. It features a blend of sphagnum peat moss and perlite, enhanced with yucca extract and lime to balance pH. Infused with Myco-tone®, a proprietary blend of mycorrhizae, it promotes robust root development and faster growth.

For Use On

  • Starting seeds  
  • Rooting cuttings

When To Use

Use Espoma Organic Seed Starter indoors from late winter to early spring to start seeds before transplanting them into the garden.

How To Apply

Starting from Seeds

  1. Fill a shallow container with Espoma Organic Seed Starter or use peat pots or seed trays with drainage holes.
  2. Wet the seeds and let them drain.
  3. Plant seeds according to package instructions.
  4. Place the container in a warm, bright location (avoid direct sunlight).
  5. Keep the soil moist by misting with a spray bottle.
  6. When the plant develops its first true leaves, transplant it into a larger container or outdoors.

Note: Handle seedlings carefully to avoid damaging the stem and roots.

Starting from Cuttings

  1. Fill a clean container with seed starter and moisten the mix.
  2. Make a hole with a pencil, insert the cutting, and pat the soil to secure it.
  3. Keep the soil moist until roots develop, then transplant.



8 qt and 16 qt bags


  • 80-90% sphagnum peat moss
  • Perlite
  • Limestone (for pH adjustment)
  • Yucca extract

Active Ingredients

Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: 121.8 propagules/cc (3.7 million per cubic foot), including:

  • Pisolithus tinctorius: 105.66
  • Rhizopogon luteolus: 8.57
  • Rhizopogon roseolus: 8.57

Endomycorrhizal Fungi: 0.072 propagules/cc (2,040 per cubic foot), including:

  • Rhizophagus irregularis: 0.018
  • Septoglomus deserticola: 0.018
  • Claroideoglomus etunicatum: 0.018
  • Funneliformis mosseae: 0.018
Shipping Now

All gardening goods ship out within 2-3 business days after your order is placed..

Shipping Destinations

Plant Addicts ships to the lower 48 states within the U.S. Unfortunately, we do not currently ship to Alaska, Hawaii, or internationally.

If you have any questions about shipping restrictions, feel free to reach out to our team!