Availability : In Stock

Fertilome Winterizer Lawn Food


Availability : In Stock
$46.09 - $70.49
  • Builds Winter Hardiness    
  • Strengthens Grass Root Systems During Winter    
  • Ideal For All Types Of Trees, Shrubs, Ornamentals & Evergreens
  • Promotes Earlier Green Up in the Spring

Prepare your lawn, trees, and shrubs for winter with a fall application of our winterizing formula. Just like putting on a warm overcoat, this treatment strengthens your plants, helping them withstand the harsh winter months and emerge healthier in the spring. By boosting potash levels, it ensures that warm-season grasses, trees, and shrubs develop hardiness, stem strength, and resistance to disease, making them more resilient and stable throughout the cold season.

Choose between 10-0-14 and 25-0-6 NPK formulas with trace elements, depending on the nutrient needs of your lawn and plants. By reinforcing your plants’ natural defenses, you help them endure winter’s challenges and ensure they return healthier and more robust when spring arrives.

How Much To Use

Lawns: 20 lbs covers 5,000 sq ft, 40 lbs covers 10,000 sq. ft.

Trees: 1 lb per inch of trunk diameter around drip line

Shrubs: 1 cup per 3 ft of height around drip line



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