Maureen Farmer is a Master Gardener and has loved plants since she was a child. She’s an avid flower, vegetable and herb gardener. Researching and writing about gardening is a fun activity for Maureen. She has written gardening articles for Organic Authority, Organic Gardens Today Magazine and numerous guest blog posts on other garden blogger’s sites.
She taught a for-credit class on fruit and vegetable production at a local community college. Maureen also enjoys teaching gardening classes as part of adult education and corporate wellness program curricula.
Maureen is the founder and blogger at The Farmer’s Garden. Her weekly researched blog posts cover a wide variety of gardening topics, primarily focused on growing edibles.
Maureen is also the founder of Airmid's Harvest. She creates handcrafted organic herbal mixes that can be used to create delicious salad dressings and to flavor dishes.