Growing Honeysuckle in Pots

Growing plants in containers makes it possible to include a diverse range of plants in an outdoor space. Whether you are limited to a balcony but still want to enjoy lush vegetation, or if you're going to feature a specimen planting on a deck or patio, growing Honeysuckle shrubs in containers is a good solution. Bush Honeysuckle plants come in a variety of sizes. If you want to grow Honeysuckle in a pot, select a shrub that will grow 2 to 3 feet tall and wide. Cultivars that can reach 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide may not be the best fit for a container. Honeysuckle is an easy-care perennial, and while potted plants require a bit more attention, this blooming shrub can thrive with minimal care.


Planting Honeysuckle in Pots

Honeysuckle bushes can be planted in a container anytime during the growing season. It is best to plant them closer to spring so the shrub has time to acclimate before winter. This plant likes to dry out between watering, so the pot must have drainage. Terra cotta is a good material because it will allow the soil to dry out, but this may mean the plant will need water more often. Ceramic, plastic, and even metal planters can all be used, as long as the containers have drainage. Potted Honeysuckle should be placed in partial sun or a spot that receives morning sun and afternoon shade.


Best Soil For Honeysuckle in Pots

A rich potting mix high in organic material will support healthy Honeysuckle growth. The soil must be well drained because this bush does not like to be too wet. Placing rocks at the bottom of the container is unnecessary because this can prevent excess water from freely draining. You can choose a premixed soil with high organic content, or you can make your own by mixing organic compost with the soil when planting. Top-dressing the soil with organic mulch can give the plant a nutritional boost and help retain water.

Caring For Honeysuckle in Planters

Honeysuckle is not a fussy or high-maintenance plant, so it is very well suited to container life. The main requirements for growing Honeysuckle in pots is a container with drainage and rich soil. Many cultivars can live comfortably in full sun, but the heat can be a bit much. Give the Honeysuckle a break from intense heat and place the potted plant in an area that receives partial sun if it looks like the plant is struggling.


Watering Honeysuckle in Pots

New plants need a lot of water to develop a strong root system. Plan on watering newly planted Honeysuckle as often as daily or whenever the soil starts to dry out. Established plants like to dry out between watering but still need water more often than plants in the ground. Water potted Honeysuckle when the top couple of inches of soil are dry to the touch. Drench the soil until excess water drains through the container. Monitor the plant more closely during periods of drought and water if the soil is dry or the plant is showing signs of distress.

Fertilizing Honeysuckle in Pots

Potted plants can benefit from routine fertilization since the plants are watered more often. Over time, nutrients in the soil are rinsed away when plants are watered, so potting soil will lose its richness. Applying a low-nitrogen fertilizer, like a 2-10-10 or 0-10-10 NPK formula monthly, will keep the Honeysuckle actively growing.

Winter Care For Honeysuckle in Pots

Winter care for Honeysuckle plants grown in pots is typically minimal. The plants can be left outdoors in mild climates. Place in a sunny spot and water if the plant is actively growing. Potted plants should be brought into a sheltered space in areas with frigid, freezing winters. The roots are not as insulated from the winter chill when grown in a pot, so relocate the container to a garage, shed, or basement. The space does not need to be heated; moving the pot into a protected area will keep the plant safe. It is unnecessary to water the plant during the winter if it is dormant.

Growing Honeysuckle Indoors

Honeysuckle bushes are not the best houseplants. Some cultivars are deciduous and will drop their foliage, making them less appealing or visually interesting during the winter. Evergreen varieties will retain their leaves but may not bloom when grown inside. Honeysuckle shrubs in pots that are brought into a home during the winter will need bright light. Water when the top few inches of soil are dry if the plant is actively growing.

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Author Alison Cotsonas - Published 21-07-2022