Polka Dot plants have very certain requirements for the amount of light needed when growing indoors or outside. As an indoor plant, Hypoestes grows in bright but indirect sun exposure. That would ideally be in front of an East-facing window, but a southern exposure away from the window or with sheer curtains to diffuse the rays is certainly acceptable.
When growing outdoors, the Polka Dot plant needs far less bright sun and appreciates partial or full shade, especially in hot climates during the hottest part of the day. In the jungles of Madagascar, where Polka Dot plants are native, the lower-story plants grow in dappled sunlight and very humid conditions.
Best Rooms To Grow Polka Dot Plant
The bright indirect light of an East or southwest-facing window is perfect for growing Polka Dot plants. The light is bright enough to encourage bushy growth but will not scorch or fade the leaves. Polka Dot plants can also be grown in a room with Southern exposure. Using sheer curtains over the window or placing the pot on one side of the window will provide indirect exposure. Bathrooms and kitchens are also great spots for humidity-loving plants as long as the light is bright enough.
Polka Dot plants placed in low lighting tend to grow slowly, losing their bright colorings and markings. Moving your plant to a spot with more light will not cause leaves to drop as with more delicate houseplants and any loss of color is often quickly fixed when Polka Dot plants are given more sunlight.
Providing Supplemental Sunlight To Polka Dot Plant
During the longest days of winter light levels can change making the use of a grow light an appealing option for growing Polka Dot plants. LED lamps that are full spectrum and have a timer are ideal. Plants will grow best at 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. Because Polka Dot plants bloom with the onset of short days and longer nights, setting the timer to short cycles could trick your plant into flowering although the foliage is really the best part of this tropical lovely.
Make sure to place the lamp within 6 inches of the foliage to keep the overall shape of your POlka Dot plant mounded and bushy. Plants will stretch and reach for the brightest light, making them leggy and spindly if the lamp is farther away. Grow lights are also useful for propagating cuttings or growing new plants from seed over the winter.
Sunlight Needed For Growing Polka Dot Plant Outdoors
Polka Dot plants need far less direct sun exposure when growing outdoors on a patio or in a garden bed. Dappled shade or partial shade that has bright sun exposure early or very late in the day is ideal in most growing zones. In hot climates, more than 4 hours a day of full sun will scorch the leaves making them pale and washed out or brown.
Allow for up to one week to acclimate Polka Dot plants to a new location slowly moving them into brighter light every couple of days. This adjustment period will also be needed in the fall when moving the plants back inside to lower light levels.
“Lighting for Houseplants”, University of Maryland Extension, www.extension.umd.edu
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Author Robbin Small - Published 12-27-2024 |