Lettuce Plants


  • Veggie & Lettuce Gardens
  • Containers, Window Boxes, & Raised Beds
  • Small Spaces & Vertical Gardens


  • Colorful Wavy Leaves
  • Contains Vitamin C, Iron, Folate and Fiber
  • Grows Fast


  • Partial Sun To Full Sun
  • At Least 5 Hours of Direct Sunlight

Lettuce is a cool-season vegetable and offers fresh, nutritious greens for weeks. This easy-to-grow veggie matures in about 50 days and grows best in the cool weather of spring and fall. The crinkly leaves range in color from green to purple and red, offering color even when other plants are just getting started. Lettuce has shallow roots and grows readily in containers of all shapes, allowing you to locate it where harvesting is most convenient.