Availability : In Stock

Purple Rose Calathea

Plant Addicts - HP

Availability : In Stock

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$20.49 - $25.49
  • Kid Safe, Pet Safe, Variegated Foliage, Air Purifier
  • Bright Indirect Light
  • Mature Height 20 - 24 inches
  • Water Needs - When Top 1 Inch is Dry

The Purple Rose Caleathea is eye-catching thanks to its boldly colored leaves. Also known as Calathea roseopicta Purple Rose or Geoppertia roseopicta Purple Rose, this tropical plant is generally easy to grow once you understand its needs. This plant has a spreading form and upright growth habit. Oval leaves are a shade of deep rosy pink with dark green margins that almost appear black.

Best Locations For Growing Purple Rose Calathea

The Purple Rose Calathea prefers plenty of sunlight and above-average humidity, so a kitchen or bathroom is often ideal. A humidifier can help the plant thrive in an area with dry air. The bright, rosy foliage will add color to a desk, end table, or a shelf full of houseplants. The Purple Rose Calathea is safe around children and pets because it is not poisonous or toxic.

Purple Rose Calathea Sunlight Requirements

The Purple Rose Calathea prefers a sunny spot. Bright, indirect sunlight encourages new growth and maintains the leaves' vibrant pink hue. Several feet from a south-facing window or near an east- or west-facing window will provide enough light. Keep this leafy plant away from direct sunlight, which can burn the delicate leaves.

Purple Rose Calathea Care

Prune damaged or dying leaves. Repot your Purple Rose Calathea annually or every two years as needed. Use a larger pot when the plant outgrows the existing pot, or divide a large plant into smaller Calatheas that can be planted separately. The ideal pot will be one to two inches wider than the root ball. Prayer Plants prefer a rich, moist, and well-drained potting mix.

Watering Purple Rose Calathea

Water your Purple Rose Calathea when the top one inch of soil is dry. Calatheas are thirsty plants with high water needs, but they do not tolerate over-watering and saturated soil. Feel the soil before giving the plant a drink. Remove overflow from the saucer or cover pot so the roots will not be waterlogged. Prayer Plants are sensitive to the fluoride and high mineral content in tap water, so use filtered water if the leaves develop brown spots.

The Purple Rose Calathea will respond best to high humidity. Damp air keeps the foliage healthy and lush, while dry air causes the edges to become brown. Bathrooms and kitchens often have increased humidity, although a pebble tray or humidifier will increase ambient humidity levels if necessary.

Feeding Purple Rose Calathea

Fertilize the Purple Rose Calathea to promote new growth and support good health. Use a balanced plant food with an NPK ratio around 10-10-10. A water-soluble fertilizer is convenient and easy to use, especially for a plant with increased water needs. Feed the Purple Rose Calathea every four weeks when the plant is actively growing.

Purple Rose Calathea Information

Light Exposure: Bright Indirect Light
Mature Height: 20 - 24 inches
Mature Spread: 20 - 24 inches
Habit: Upright
Flower Color(s): None
Foliage Color(s): Purple, Red
Watering: When Top 1 Inch is Dry
Features: Kid Safe, Pet Safe, Variegated Foliage, Air Purifier
Common Name: Purple Rose Calathea
Other Name(s): Purple Rose
Scientific Name: Calathea (Geoppertia) roseopicta "Purple Rose"

Container Sizes

Please Note: The pictures below are to give a general representation of the different container sizes. The actual size/ages of plants are estimates and will vary based on type of plant, time of year, last pruning & many other factors.

2 Pot

2" Pot

Plant Age:
~ 2-6 months

Plant Size:
~ 2"-4"

Pot Size:
~ 1.9"H x 2"W

~0.12–0.15 quarts

3" Pot

Plant Age:
~ 3-6 months

Plant Size:
~ 2"-6"

Pot Size:
~ 2.5"H x 3"W

~ 0.3 quarts

4 Pot

4" Pot

Plant Age:
~ 6 months

Plant Size:
~ 5"-10"

Pot Size:
~ 3.5"H x 4"W

~ 0.75 quarts

6 Pot

6" Pot

Plant Age:
~ 6-12 months

Plant Size:
~ 8"-16

Pot Size:
~ 5"H x 6"W

~ 1.5 quarts

8 Pot

8" Pot

Plant Age:
~ 1-2 years

Plant Size:
~ 12"-24"

Pot Size:
~ 6"H x 8"W

~ 3 quarts

10 Pot

10 Pot

Plant Age:
~ 2-3 years

Plant Size:
~ 16"-36"

Pot Size:
~ 7.25"H x 10"W

~ 4.5–5 quarts

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