Are African Daisies Deer Resistant?

African daisies are a deer-resistant option for growing ornamental annuals in your garden.  The vibrant flowers can be added to any container to add color throughout the summer and are not bothered by larger pests such as deer and rabbits. The deer and rabbits leave the plants alone because they do not like the texture of papery flower bracts or the tough stems and leaves. African Daisies are more susceptible to attacks from aphids, earwigs, and thrips. 


According to Rutgers University, this plant is Rarely Damaged on their rating scale from Rarely Damaged to Frequently Severely Damaged.

Keeping Deer Away From African Daisies

Gardeners that grow in areas with high deer populations will try many different methods to keep deer out of a garden. Repellents work for a while. Eventually, the scent is washed off by rain, or the deer will become used to the smells. Growing plants in pots near the house on a patio or deck that gets frequent use will protect plants from browsing deer. Deer generally stay away from the areas where humans come and go.

Since deer rarely browse the African Daisy, it is an excellent addition to a mixed annual container. The African Daisy mixed in with other annuals or tender perennials that deer prefer may be enough to keep the deer away from the planting. Deer will always take the easiest path when browsing for food.  


Will African Daisy Come Back After Deer Eat Them?

African Daisy is a tough grower that will bloom non-stop through the summer. If a deer decides to take a few bites, the plant will grow back quickly. Any damaged stems or flowers should be cleanly cut off to the base of the plant. This will keep the damage from weakening the plant and attracting pests, such as aphids or thrips. If deer damage happens early in the summer, the whole plant can be cut back by one-third to encourage bushy new growth. 

Sources: Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station ‘Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance’ 2018

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Author Robbin Small - Published 8-31-2022