Fuchsias Aren't Blooming

Fuchsia has a long flowering period, easily extended to the first frost. All types of Fuchsia bloom on new growth. More flowering will be encouraged by keeping plants deadheaded and pinching back the stems. Fuchsia is also a hungry plant that thrives on a regular fertilizer schedule from spring to fall.


Common Reasons Why Fuchsia Isn’t Blooming

There are five reasons why Fuchsia does not continue to bloom all summer: 1) not keeping the spent blooms deadheaded, 2) letting the plant get too leggy, 3) underwatering and allowing the soil to dry out, 4) under-fertilizing or using the wrong formulation, and 5) not giving the plant enough sun to bloom.


Pruning Fuchsia To Help It Bloom

Fuchsia needs two types of pruning to help it bloom better—deadheading and pinching back. Deadheading is the regular removal of spent flowers. This prevents the plant from setting seed and preparing for winter dormancy. Since seed production is the primary way that Fuchsias produce, the plants will keep growing flowers until those flowers are allowed to ripen into seed.

Regular pinching back of the stems and branches will help Fuchsia to stay compact and provide more growing points for stems and flowers. Carefully pinch the top ⅓ - ½ of each stem above a pair of leaves when the plant slows down blooming early in the summer. This activates the growth points. This new growth will form more flowers in a few weeks.


Fertilizing Fuchsia To Help It Bloom

Fuchsia needs a fertilizer formulated for flowering and rooting. The ratio of NPK should resemble 2-6-4, with low Nitrogen and higher Phosphorous and Potassium content. Fertilizers with high proportions of Nitrogen will encourage excess, tender foliage that attracts pests such as aphids. Regular feeding with a diluted liquid fish emulsion or seaweed fertilizer supports consistent flowering and root formation.

Get Fuchsia To Produce More Blooms

Sometimes, a Fuchsia plant might need to be temporarily moved into a sunnier spot. If it is grown in complete shade, the lack of even 2 hours of sun a day will slow down and restrict the size of flowers. Let your Fuchsia take a field trip to a sunnier spot for a few days. Early morning sun is preferred over the hotter afternoon sun. Underwatering for an extended period also diminishes a Fuchsia's blooming potential.

Letting a plant go completely dry at any time stresses the roots. Even though you may get the plant to recover with some deep soaks, it may be triggered to protect the leaves and roots after it rehydrates. Flower buds may fall off before opening or stop being produced until the plant has recovered enough to support blooming.

Why Fuchsia Isn’t Blooming

  • Lack of regular fertilization with a high phosphorus formulation
  • Lack of deadheading
  • Lack of regular pinching back of stems
  • Severely underwatering for any amount of time
  • Absence of direct sunlight (needs at least 2 hours)
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Author Robbin Small - Published 9-16-2022