Wishbone Flowers


  • Adds Color to Shady Areas
  • Hanging Baskets or Windowboxes
  • Spiller in Containers


  • Cascading Trumpet-Shaped Flowers
  • No Deadheading Required
  • Attracts Birds & Hummingbirds


  • Full Shade to Full Sun
  • Can Grow In Most Sunlight Conditions
  • Can Also Grow As A Houseplant!

Wishbone flowers typically are grown for their burst of summer color in garden beds or containers. The plants can grow in any sunlight condition, even as a houseplant or in very shady areas outdoors!

Growing Torenia

Wishbone flowers (Torenia hybrids) are charming little plants with snapdragon-like flowers and named for the wishbone-like shape of the delicate stamens inside the flowers’ center. The plants usually are grown as annuals, and can add flower color in yellow, pink, and ranges of purple.

The versatile, easy-care Torenia can thrive just about anywhere in a garden, as long as it grows in well-draining soil. Fertile soil helps keep the wishbone flowers coming, and most potting soil mixes work well for growing Torenia in containers. Water regularly and lightly so the soil is moist but not soggy. Fertilize wishbone flowers every 2 to 4 weeks for best bloom. In hotter zones, place the plant where it will get some afternoon shade. Wishbone flower also is known as clown flower.

The Best Way to Use Wishbone Flowers

Where wishbone flower is an annual, which is most of the country, add the bedding plant to a container or hanging basket each summer. Torenia typically bloom from June until the first frost, and can add filler color before container grasses or evergreen shrubs. Since the flower can handle different sun exposure, you can add a hanging basket filled with wishbone flowers nearly anywhere on a deck or patio. As an added bonus, wishbone flowers attract birds and hummingbirds but resist deer damage. In hot zones, place it in containers or as a bedding plant in a garden bed that gets afternoon shade.

  • Container filler
  • Hanging baskets
  • Available in 6 colors
  • Typically 8 - 16 inches tall & 8 - 10 inches wide
  • Winter hardy in growing zones 10 to 11
  • Wishbone Flower Companion Plants

    Wishbone flowers grow well with other plants that can endure both sun and shade and fill hanging baskets. They also can go in containers with other plants that double as houseplants, such as caladium.