Petunia Companion Plants

Petunias pair exceedingly well with other plants in the garden. Planting Petunias in an established garden can be the final flourish that ensures nonstop color throughout the growing season. Plant Petunias in a mixed seasonal container for the patio or deck, either as the filler or a spiller. Larger-growing Supertunias make fast-growing, weed-suppressing groundcovers when paired with shrubs or summer-blooming perennials. Petunias are flexible about placement in the garden. Any spot that has full sun to partial shade, well-draining but moist soil, and moderate fertility is perfect for growing this reliable and well-known annual. 


Shrubs To Plant With Petunias

Petunias make a great groundcover near established hedges or shrub borders. The quick growing and trailing habit allows them to spread, helping to suppress weeds for the whole growing season. Plant them in front of deciduous shrubs such as Hydrangea, Weigela, and Spirea for a shot of extra color. 

Using drip irrigation or soaker hoses in large areas like shrub borders is ideal for Petunias, which do not like to have wet foliage. The shallow roots do not interfere with the more robust root systems of most shrubs, and if the gardener decides to change the color scheme, Petunias are easily replaced the following year for very little cost or effort as compared to using perennial or shrubby groundcovers.  

Perennials To Plant With Petunias

Petunias can add an extra dimension to a perennial bed either as a long-blooming groundcover or to fill in gaps when perennials have finished their show of color. Petunias look fabulous as a groundcover for larger perennials such as ornamental grasses, black-eyed Susans, and iris. Use Petunias to fill in for lower-growing plants such as Salvia, Euphorbia, and African daisies once they have finished blooming for the season. Either place a pot in the empty location or plant the Petunias directly in the ground to fill in naked spots in the garden throughout the summer and fall.  

Annuals To Plant With Petunias

Petunias can be grown alongside just about any annual plant in the flower garden or vegetable garden. Pair snapdragons, sweet potato vine, and Alyssum with Petunias for a colorful display that will keep blooming to the first frost. Petunias growing in the vegetable garden are not only useful for attracting pollinators but can be grown to provide shade to beds of spinach, lettuce, and other crops that prefer a shady location during the hottest parts of the summer. 

Petunias, like most annuals, can be planted closer together than perennials or shrubs. They only live for one season, which means they have less time to fill in large areas. Allow 8-10 inches between plants for good coverage. 


Best Companion Plants For Petunias in Containers

Petunias may be one of the best plants for container growing. They can serve as fillers, spillers, or even as thrillers. The most successful mixed plantings combine plants that enjoy the same growing conditions. Petunias thrive in full sun and moderately moist, well-draining soil. Choose plants with similar requirements, such as ornamental grasses and sweet potato vine planted to instantly dress up your deck or patio. Petunias can even be paired with tropical houseplants for the summer months. The small root system of Petunias will not interfere with the roots of other plants. Try using Petunias as a spiller around a potted lemon tree or potted indoor palm grown outside for the summer. 

Plants Not to Grow With Petunias

Plants that require full shade and wet, boggy soils will not mix well with Petunias. Petunias can develop root diseases when grown in a site with poor drainage or too much shade. Petunias require at least 6 hours of full sun to continue blooming heavily throughout the season.

Best Plants To Grow With Petunias







Sweet Potato Vine

Sweet Potato Vine

Petunias can be used with many different plants in the garden to provide nonstop blooming from late spring to the first frost of fall. Look for plants that thrive in full sun to partial shade, with consistently moist but well-draining and moderately fertile soil. 


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Author Robbin Small - Published 8-14-2023