Spider plants are easy to propagate. Plant owners with limited experience propagating plants will find it easy to expand their spider plant collection. The plant does a lot of the work itself, which makes propagation so easy. Spider plant propagation typically takes 6 to 8 weeks.
Methods To Propagate Spider Plant
Healthy spider plants bloom and send out long stems known as stolons. Tiny white flowers bloom on the stems, later producing offshoots known as pups. The pups can be rooted in water or potting mix, creating new plants. Large spider plants can also be divided into smaller plants. Both methods of propagating spider plants are easy, and choosing a method depends on whether the parent plant has produced pups or if the plant is large enough to be divided
Best Rooting Media To Propagate Spider Plant
Spider plant pups can easily be rooted in moist, well-drained soil. A rich mix with a neutral pH will encourage the pup to set roots. Keep the soil damp but not soggy during propagation to encourage the new plant to grow roots. Spider plant offshoots can also root easily in water.
Steps To Propagate Spider Plant
Step 1 - Fill a small pot with drainage holes with rich, moist, well-drained potting soil.
Step 2 - Place the pot near the parent plant and gently push a pup into the soil.
Step 3 - Leave the main stem connecting the pup to the parent plant in place. Use a hairpin to secure the main stem in place if necessary.
Step 4 - Water the pup to keep the potting mix damp.
Step 5 - Roots will emerge in several weeks. Trim the stem connecting the plants several weeks after the new plant sets roots.
Caring For Spider Plant Cuttings
Spider plant cuttings need bright, indirect sunlight and damp but never soggy soil. Increased humidity will encourage growth. The stem connected to the parent plant supports the offshoots, so do not remove the stem until the new plant has established roots.
Transplanting Spider Plant Cuttings
After trimming the stolon, the new spider plant cutting can stay in the pot it was rooted in. Continue to provide the young plant with bright, indirect sunlight, increased humidity, and regular water, when the top couple of inches of potting mix are dry. Transplant the spider plant to a new container when it outgrows its existing pot.
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Author Alison Cotsonas - Published 12-15-2023 |