Watering Agapanthus

Agapanthus is a genus of plants that originated in southern Africa. They prefer hot, wet summers and mild, dry winters. The rhizomes can rot in winter if winter rains are prevalent, and the soil doesn’t drain well. In the summer, these plants appreciate regular water and will reward you with more abundant blooms.  


How To Tell If Agapanthus Needs Watered

Water your agapanthus when the top inch or two of the soil feels dry to the touch. Dry crispy leaves are a sign of sunburn, and wilted leaves on a hot summer day can indicate water loss and thirsty roots. Make sure you feel the soil before watering because some of these signs can also indicate root rot, and watering would only make the problem worse. Be particularly vigilant about keeping the soil evenly moist over the first growing season, when your plant is establishing its root system. 

How Often To Water Agapanthus

After planting your agapanthus, water the soil thoroughly to saturate the entire planting hole. Continue to water the plant regularly every few days to help the roots settle in. After a few weeks, reduce watering frequency to once or twice a week, depending on how quickly the soil dries out. 

Once your agapanthus has spent a few growing seasons in the ground and established its roots, the watering frequency is less critical. However, these plants perform best with regular summer water and will bloom less during periods of drought. 

Agapanthus detests wet feet and will rot in waterlogged soil. Make sure your soil drains well, and withhold supplemental water during the winter.

Potted plants, in general, tend to dry out faster than those planted in the ground. Water your pots approximately 2 – 3 times a week, or whenever the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Be sure to increase watering during extended periods of drought and high temperatures. 

Best Time To Water Agapanthus

Mornings and evenings are the best times to water agapanthus when the temperatures are cooler. In the afternoon, moisture evaporates more quickly and will have less time to be absorbed by the roots. In the summer, water agapanthus regularly when the soil dries out and more frequently during periods of drought and high temperatures. Over the winter, agapanthus planted outside rarely require supplemental water. Agapanthus grown as a houseplant usually needs to be watered only once a week, when the soil feels dry, and only once a month in the winter. 


How to Water Agapanthus

Step 1Test the moisture level of the soil

Use your finger to feel the top inch of soil. If it is dry, continue to step 2. If moist, wait a couple of days and test for moisture again.

Step 2 - Water at the base of the plant

Take care not to let water splash the leaves, which can encourage fungal growth.

Step 3 - Water deeply

Allow the water to saturate the soil and fill in any air gaps around the roots. 

Step 4 - Repeat as needed

Water whenever the soil feels dry to the touch. A soaker hose or drip irrigation system can target water to the root zone while minimizing evaporation. 

Agapanthus Watering Tips

  • Water deeply when the top inch of the soil feels dry
  • Allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions
  • Do not let plants sit in waterlogged soil
  • During the winter, only water plants once a month during extended periods of drought



  Author Jessica Mercer - Published 6-28-2022