Boxwood Trees

Facts About The Boxwood Tree

The buxus microphylla koreana or boxwood tree is used for hedging, borders or to line out a driveway. It has beautiful darker foliage and it can be pruned into just about any shape. But you may also choose to allow the tree to grow naturally because it has a pleasant and rounded shape. If you allow it to grow this way, it will make an excellent privacy fence. In mid to late spring the boxwood tree produces fragrant blooms. The boxwood tree can be a nice addition to a yard or garden.


The boxwood tree isn’t actually a tree, it is considered a shrub. It can grow to almost reach four feet tall but most people prune these plants to a specific shape. Either way, they can grow under most soil conditions and they can also live through most winters. This plant can survive in temperatures that go below zero degrees and they are known to be attractive plants.

These plants are full and plush and the leaves are a dark green color. They are waxy and soft and they are oval shaped. They maintain their color throughout winter and in the spring they produce flowers. These blooms have no petals but they still put out an appealing aroma. With all the exceptional qualities associated with the boxwood tree, it has become a popular plant. If you were thinking about keeping a tree, there are a few simple tips that can help to produce healthier plants.

This plant needs to be placed in an area that receives a mix of sun and shading. If you live in a warmer climate, you can even keep your boxwood tree in shade most of the time. It isn’t the higher temperatures that can harm the plant. Hot direct sunlight has been known to scorch the leaves and the result is an unhealthy looking plant. No matter where you live, it is a good idea to place these plants in place that gets morning sunlight and afternoon shade. This way the plants can get needed sunlight without the fear of scorching.


When it comes to watering the boxwood tree, you should do it frequently. You should never allow the soil to become sandy or dry, especially when the plants are young. But you will want to be careful not to saturate the delicate root system. If you are only keeping one boxwood tree, plant it on a slight hill so that the water flows away from the plant. If you are planting a row of these trees, prepare raised rows before you plant. Make sure there is a small trench on either side of the row.

Space the trees four to six feet away from each other. You might think that the plants are not close enough together to fully fill in the area. But be patient because once these shrubs get going, they have a tendency to bush out. If you do happen to over plant, you will have to eventually remove them later.

This plant can spread to other areas and it can also take over neighboring plants. This is considered an invasive plant and it can discourage the growth of surrounding plants and damage or kill them. You will have to keep these plants in an area by themselves and also keep them a full fifteen to twenty feet away from your home or driveway.


Another thing to remember about this plant is that it is considered poisonous. If any part of this plant is consumed it can be dangerous. If you have small children or animals that will be frequently around the plant, you might want to choose something else to use.


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