Catmint Aren't Blooming

Catmint is a perennial that prefers well-drained and light soil that is not overly fertile. Flowering starts late in the spring and can continue through the early fall. Rarely, Catmint fails to bloom well. If you feel that the blooming vigor has decreased, then there are some steps you can take to get your Catmint back on track.


Common Reasons Why Catmint Isn’t Blooming

Catmint grows best with as much sun as you can give it. If the growing position has become progressively shadier every year, it might be time to prune back the trees or to move the Catmint, which is by far easier. Low light levels will slow down bud formation and flower opening. Over-fertilizing is probably the biggest issue. Feeding Catmint extra fertilizer encourages rapid growth of the foliage and stems, causing Catmint to become floppy and leggy at the expense of flower formation. The last issue is extreme heat. Often Catmint stops flowering during the hottest part of the summer and will send up new flower shoots once the cooler weather returns.

Pruning Catmint To Help It Bloom

Shearing Catmint back by half in mid-summer will not only help the plant stay compact and full, but also encourage it to form more flower spikes. Catmint responds well to this treatment and will regularly produce 2 flushes of bloom.

Fertilizing Catmint To Help It Bloom

Catmint does not need supplemental fertilizing to bloom, but an annual application of a slow-release fertilizer will help the overall plant stay healthy and grow well. The fertilizer could be a ready-made organic granular mix or a 2-inch layer of organic compost spread around the base of the plant. Both types of plant food will slowly make vital nutrients available to Catmint throughout the growing season.


Why Catmint Isn’t Blooming

  • Too much fertilizer
  • Too much top growth
  • Needs to be cut back early in summer for a second flush of flowers
  • Excessive heat will slow down blooming


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 Author Robbin Small - Published 7-14-2022