Croton Sunlight Requirements

In its native growing climate, Croton is a tropical plant that can reach upwards of 8 feet or more. When grown as a houseplant, Croton’s mature size depends on the size of its container. Typically, Croton remains small enough to sit on a table or desk. The size also depends on the amount of light reaching the plant. Indoors, Croton requires bright indirect sunlight to grow lush and brightly colored foliage. 


Best Rooms To Grow Croton

Place Croton directly in front of an east- or west-facing window where it will receive at least 6 hours of indirect light. Plants placed in a south-facing window may experience sun scorch or faded colors. If these problems occur, move the Croton farther away from the window, either across the room or off to one side. Using opaque curtains is another good way to filter harsh light for Croton. Croton will slow growth during the winter months but should still retain its bright coloration. If the leaves begin to turn solid green, move the plant to a brighter location. 

Providing Supplemental Sunlight To Croton

If your space has limited natural sunlight, try using a grow light for up to 8 hours a day to help Croton get through the darker months. LED lamps emit the highest level of lumens while conserving energy. Look for a lamp that emits at least 2000 lumens. LED grow lights also stay cool to the touch and come in different types to support different growing conditions. Croton will benefit from a wide spectrum LED that has a mix of both blue and red light. 

Sunlight Needed For Growing Croton Outdoors

Croton houseplants can be moved outdoors during the summer months for decorating patios, decks, or balconies. As soon as the nighttime temperatures are reliably over 50-55 degrees Fahrenheit, begin hardening off your plant by acclimating it to both the new temperature and brighter light levels. Start by placing your Croton in a sheltered spot in full shade for a couple of days, and then systematically move it into brighter light over the course of a week or two. Full sun exposure outdoors is far too intense for most tropical houseplants. Instead, select a final position in part shade or dappled sun with protection from hot afternoon sun.  When the temperatures are starting to cool in the late summer, begin reversing the hardening-off process to make the switch to indoor growing. 


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Author Robbin Small - Published 11-15-2023