Fertilizing Ninebark

Ninebark is a fast growing shrub that is native to North America. Once planted, this easy to care for shrub requires little to no fussing over. Typically, all plants will benefit from some fertilizing, even healthy ones. Ninebark is no exception. Fertilizing can promote more blooms and prevent the plant from becoming too leggy. An annual application of fertilizer each spring will support this shrub the entire growing season.


How to Fertilize Ninebark

Ninebark is a hardy, drought tolerant plant that can grow in less than desirable conditions such as rocky or clay-like soil. An annual application of a balanced granular fertilizer in the spring is all this shrub needs for the entire growing season. Apply the feeding in early spring, just after the leaves appear. Spread the fertilizer around the base of the plant three inches away from the trunk. Water well after applying, avoiding the foliage. Do not fertilize in the fall or winter months. This is the time the plant goes dormant. Feeding will encourage new growth that can be damaged by frost.

Best Time To Fertilize Ninebark

The hardy Ninebark shrub needs just one feeding each year. Early spring is the best time to feed the plant. Apply fertilizer just after the plant begins showing new leaves. Avoid feeding in fall or winter. This can encourage new growth that can be damaged by frost.

Best Fertilizer For Ninebark

Ninebark is a low-maintenance shrub. An annual application of a fertilizer for trees and shrubs applied in early spring is all this plant needs. Choose a granular slow release fertilizer. A granular fertilizer slowly releases its nutrients as the granules dissolve. Avoid using a liquid fertilizer, as this will provide too much nitrogen to the plant all at once. A balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer will work the best.


Ninebark Fertilizing Tips

  • Fertilize in early spring just as the leaves appear.
  • Choose a slow-release granular fertilizer.
  • Avoid liquid fertilizers- this will provide too much nitrogen.
  • Water well after application.
  • Fertilizing will promote more blooms and less of a leggy plant.


-Always wear protective gloves and a face mask when handling chemical fertilizers.

-Closely follow all directions and storage guidelines that are on the fertilizer label.

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Author Chris Link - Published 09-30-2021