Vegetable Garden Companion Plants

What Is Companion Planting?

Basically, you plant seeds together or nearby each other so that the plants will offer each other a benefit. If you need pest control, more fruit, cool "feet" and more, companion planting might be your answer before using pesticides and fertilizers.

Companion Plants For Bush Beans

Note: pole beans, have a different set of companions.

Companions For A Better Yield

Carrots, corn, cucumber, lettuce, mint, peas, radishes, strawberries.

Companions For Pest Control

Marigolds, rosemary, summer savory, potatoes (not inter planted but in an adjacent bed.)

Incompatible Companions

Do not grow these with bush beans if possible.

Beets, garlic, onion, chive, peppers, and basil.

Note: planting marigolds around the perimeter of your bush beans gives added eye-appeal to your garden.


Companion Plants For Beets

Companions For A Better Yield

Onion, sage, corn, lettuce, radish.

Companions For Pest Control

Onions, bush beans (note: beets are not beneficial to bush beans)

Incompatible Companions

Do not grow these with beets if possible.

Pole beans


Companion Plants For Carrots

Companions For A Better Yield

Beans, chives, peas,peppers, radish, rosemary,onion, sage, tomato, leaf lettuce.

Companions For Pest Control

Onion, chives, garlic, bush bean, rosemary, parsley, sage.

Incompatible Companions

Dill, celery.

Note: plant a row of leaf lettuce between rows of carrots, as the weather gets hot, pull lettuce, leaving room for the carrots.


Companion Plants For Corn

Companions For A Better Yield

Bush beans, dill, peas,cucumber, potatoes, melons, pumpkin, squash, sunflower, peanuts, beets, parsley, lettuce

Companions For Pest Control

Bush beans, cucumber, geraniums.

Incompatible Companions


Note: planting cucumbers between corn rows will help support corn and keep it from blowing over as easy.


Companion Plants For Cucumbers

Companions For A Better Yield

Bush beans, carrots, corn, lettuce, marigolds, onion, pea, radish, tomatoes.

Companions For Pest Control

Bush beans, nasturtiums, radish, tansy, dill.

Incompatible Companions

Herbs with strong aroma, sage, potato, squash melon, pumpkins.

Note: We like to put our cucumber trellis on the south side of my lettuce. The shade from the trellis keeps the heat off and I can harvest my lettuce longer.


Companion Plants For Lettuce

Companions For A Better Yield

Beans, carrots, cucumber, onion, garlic, strawberry, corn.

Companions For Pest Control


Incompatible Companions


Note: We usually plant a row of onions between our lettuce. When the lettuce is done we pull it out to give more room for the onions to grow.


Companion Plants For Peas

Companions For A Better Yield

Beans, carrots, corn, lettuce, radish, spinach, tomato, turnip, parsley, strawberry.

Companions For Pest Control


Incompatible Companions

Chives, garlic, onion, chives, grapes, gladiolas.

Note: A lot of people grow peas strictly for the kids. They are welcome anytime to just sit in the garden and snack on them raw!


Companion Plants For Peppers

Companions For A Better Yield

Beans, carrots, marigold, onion, pea, horehound, marjoram, tansy.

Companions For Pest Control


Incompatible Companions

Fennel, tomatoes, potatoes.


Companion Plants For Radishes

Companions For A Better Yield

Beans, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, peas, squash, chervil, beets, corn, melons, spinach, tomatoes.

Companions For Pest Control

Mustard plant, nasturtiums.

Incompatible Companions



If you have any questions or would like us to add any more vegetables to this list, simply comment below and we'll try to respond as soon as we can!

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Author Chris Link - Published 12-20-2021

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