There are several reasons why your Anthurium houseplant will benefit from time outdoors when the weather warms up. Anthurium will enjoy the exposure to wind, rain, and sunlight and will likely develop lush new growth. It will love the increased air circulation, which can help the plant strengthen its stems. Moving outdoors will often provide access to more sunlight, which can promote healthy new growth, as long as the light is not too intense.
When To Put Anthurium Outside
Anthurium are native to tropical environments and are therefore very cold sensitive. If you are considering moving your Anthurium outdoors, wait until there are no signs of frost and overnight temperatures stay above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Anthurium will be able to survive in anything above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, but you will not be doing them any justice by putting them outside in temperatures colder than that. It is important to slowly transition your Anthurium from indoors to outdoors. Do not move the plant out all at once into its final garden location but rather slowly harden off the plant by moving it to a sheltered or shaded outdoor location and then slowly move it into more sun.
When To Bring Anthurium Indoors
Towards the end of the growing season or as summer turns to fall, it is important to keep an eye on the weather and especially the overnight temperatures. Keep in mind that your Anthurium plant does not want to be outside in temperatures below 50 and certainly not in temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. When you begin to see the overnight low temperatures dropping, you need to prepare the plant and yourself for the move indoors.
Plan to move your Anthurium indoors in stages. First, inspect the plant for pests and clean off any debris or dead plant material on top of the soil. Clean the tops and bottoms of the foliage to remove any pest stowaways. This is also a good time to repot your plant if it needs it. The next stage is preparing a location in your home to quarantine your Anthurium plant from other houseplants. Garages, laundry rooms, and patios are great places to quarantine plants you are bringing indoors for the fall and winter. Quarantining the plant allows you to ensure that you have not brought in any pests or diseases that may infect your other houseplants.
Caring For Anthurium Outdoors
Anthurium will appreciate some time outdoors in bright indirect light; do not expose it to direct sun. Placing the plant in direct sun may burn the foliage and damage or even kill the plant. Choose a location with bright filtered light for the plant to thrive.
Plants outdoors in containers will often need more frequent watering than they do indoors since they are exposed to more sun and wind. If your Anthurium is planted in a dark container, it may dry out even more quickly since the dark color absorbs the sun. Check the moisture level daily by inserting your finger into the soil for signs of moisture. Water thoroughly and regularly in the mornings. Provide your Anthurium plant with shelter in the event of heavy wind, rain, or hail storms. Plants outdoors are also exposed to more insects and pests; monitor your Anthurium closely for any signs of pests.
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Author Katie Endicott - Published 11-28-2023 |