Planting Bacopa

Bacopas are known for their bright white, blue, lavender or pink flowers, and can be grown as annuals or perennials based on location and species. When planting in home gardens, they do best in full sun and sandy or loamy soil. 


What You Need To Plant Bacopa

  • Shovel
  • Compost or organic matter
  • Sandy loam soil
  • Water soluble quick-release fertilizer
  • Sunny to lightly shaded site

Where to Plant Bacopa

Bacopa plants thrive in sunny to lightly shaded locations, but they flower best in sunny locations. These plants do best in fertile, well-drained soil. Chalk, clay, loam or sand all work, and the plant can thrive in acidic, alkaline or neutral pH soil conditions. To plant, dig a hole that is at least six inches deep and the same width as your root ball. 


Bacopa Spacing

If planting multiple bacopa plants in beds and borders, they should be spaced about 10-12 inches inches apart. If you are planting bacopa in a planter, you can space them slightly closer.

Steps To Plant Bacopa

Step 1 - First, pick a sunny or lightly shaded location with fertile, well-drained soil. 

Step 2 - Next, loosen the soil in your planting site and work in any soil amendments like compost or organic matter. 

Step 3 - Dig a hole that is at least six inches deep and as wide as your root ball, and position your bacopa.

Step 4 - If planting in a bed or border, space your next hole 10-12 inches away. If you are planting in a container, you can space each bacopa a bit closer.

Step 5 - Water your bacopa well after planting it, and then plan on watering a few times a week. You can determine if your bacopa needs to be watered by monitoring the surface level moisture. If the top half inch of soil is still moist, your plant does not need to be watered yet. If your bacopa plant is wilting, you need to water it.

Step 6 - Apply a balanced water-soluble fertilizer every 2-3 weeks for bed and border plants, or every 1-2 weeks for container plants.


When to Plant Bacopa

The best time of year to plant bacopa is mid-late spring after the danger of frost has passed.

Transplanting Bacopa

You can propagate bacopa by taking cuttings. Cut the stem just below a set of leaves. Remove the lower leaves, and dip the stem in rooting hormones. Stick the cutting in a pot filled with moist soil and place it in bright, indirect sunlight. Keep the soil moist. After a few weeks, the plant will begin growing new roots. Remove all flowers and large or damaged leaves so that the new propagation can focus on developing its root system.

Check the cuttings for roots in about 4-6 weeks and plant them in 3-inch pots when roots reach 1/2 to 1 inch long. Move your pots into bright light, and water your bacopa plantlets as needed to keep the soil slightly moist. Propagation is best done in late summer, and the new bacopa plants can be transplanted to your garden or container in early spring. 


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Author Chris Link - Published 12-16-2022