Pruning Lobelia

Lobelia is an easy-to-grow annual or perennial flower that does not require much in the way of pruning. Many of the annual lobelias are considered self-cleaning and do not require deadheading. Lobelia plants can benefit from deadheading, trimming, and occasional cutbacks to rejuvenate growth in the middle of the season. Perennial lobelias can be cut back to the ground in fall or late winter to prepare for the next season’s growth. 


When to Prune Lobelia

Annual and perennial lobelia do not require any pruning throughout the year but may benefit from maintenance trimming during the growing season. The best time to trim or deadhead annual lobelia is in midsummer to fall if the plant gets leggy or loses its structure. The best time to cut back perennial lobelia is in late fall or late winter when the foliage dies back. The best time to remove or cut back annual lobelia is in the fall after the first frost. 


Deadhead annual or perennial lobelia after plants have bloomed and flowers are wilted and browning. Be careful to only trim back the dead blooms and leave new growth or buds intact. Deadhead throughout the growing season when needed. Another good time for maintenance pruning or cutbacks is when lobelia begins to stretch, get leggy, or lose their form. Cutting lobelia back at this time will revive the plant and encourage fresh, new growth. 

Why Prune Lobelia

The main reason to prune lobelia is for general maintenance and overall health and appearance. As the plant grows and blooms throughout the season, the spent flowers should be removed to encourage new growth and new flowers.

Beyond deadheading, another reason to prune lobelia is to encourage a more compact form. Cutting back leggy or saggy plants will give the plant an opportunity to rejuvenate and develop a bushy appearance. If your lobelia is showing signs of stress from pest or disease pressure, pruning can be beneficial to remove unhealthy portions of the plant. 

How to Prune Lobelia

Step 1 - Deadhead spent flowers as needed

Trim back stems of spent flowers on an angle

Step 3 - Cut back growth in midsummer

If your lobelia appears droopy or leggy, cut back all stems by half to encourage new growth

Step 3 - Remove faded growth at the end of the season 

As growth dies back, cut the plant to ground level

Lobelia Pruning Tips

  • Do not prune a newly planted lobelia
  • Plan to occasionally deadhead or give maintenance pruning
  • Cut back leggy stems by half to encourage new growth
  • Remove dead growth at the end of the season 
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 Author Katie Endicott - Published 9-14-2022