Fertilizing Avens

Why should you fertilize Avens? Plants in nature receive nutrients as flowers and leaves fall from the plant and break down, releasing minerals into the soil. Plants grown in manicured beds and gardens don’t receive the benefits of decaying plant matter since dead or damaged growth is commonly cleared away. Feeding plants provides nutrition that helps promote new and healthy growth. Avens, also known as Geum, is not a heavy feeder, but rich soil and a well-timed dose of fertilizer will keep your plants blooming and lush.


How to Fertilize Avens

Avens do well in fertile soil with high organic content. The soil pH should be slightly acidic to neutral, have medium moisture, and allow for drainage. A balanced, slow-release granular fertilizer helps Geum grow. Saturate the soil with water before applying the fertilizer. Wet roots can better absorb the fertilizer, and wet conditions reduce the risk of fertilizer burn. 

Best Time To Fertilize Avens

Feed Avens in the early spring after there is no longer a threat of frost. Some cultivars of Avens bloom in the spring, while most bloom during the summer, so feeding the plant early helps it push out new growth and flowers. One feeding is enough to support Avens throughout the growing season. Potted Avens plants can be fed monthly since plants in containers require more frequent watering, which leaches nutrients from the soil over time.


Best Fertilizer For Avens

Use a slow-release granular fertilizer for Avens. The fertilizer should be balanced and have an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or 20-20-20. Slow-release fertilizers continue to support healthy growth throughout the growing season, so one application will sustain Avens throughout the spring and summer.

Avens Fertilizing Tips

  • Mix organic compost or manure into the soil when planting
  • Top-dress the soil with organic compost during the spring
  • Water the plant and apply a balanced, slow-release granular fertilizer during the spring


-Always wear protective gloves and a face mask when handling chemical fertilizers.

-Closely follow all directions and storage guidelines that are on the fertilizer label.

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Author Alison Cotsonas - Published 08-23-2022