False Indigo


  • Pollinator Gardens
  • Borders
  • Containers & Planters


  • Native to North America
  • Drought & Salt Tolerant
  • Deer Resistant


  • Partial Sun to Full Sun
  • 5+ Hours of Direct Sun

Growing Zones:

False Indigo or Baptisia, is a flowering perennial that is native to North America. The low maintenance plants are great for cut flowers, wildlife and mass plantings in gardens.

Why Buy False Indigo Online?

False Indigo the common name for Baptisia australis. This flowering perennial is native to North America and commonly found in the midwest growing wild at the edge of the woods, next to streams and in meadows. This desirable plant typically has dark green foliage that highlights the flowers that can be blue, white, purple or yellow. These plants are also known as blue wild indigo or blue false indigo.

The Best Way To Use False Indigo

Because this plant is native to North America, it is very hardy against drought and harsh winters. Once established, these plants shouldn’t need any care or maintenance. False Indigo is winter hardy in growing zones 4 to 9. The plants will only get 2 to 4 feet tall and wide.

Gardeners usually plant Baptisia in flower gardens, wildlife sanctuaries, in garden planters or in rock gardens. Pollinating insects such as bees & butterflies will love these plants as well.

  • Blue, white, purple or yellow flowers

  • Native to North America

  • Drought tolerant & winter hardy

  • 2 to 4 feet tall

  • Growing zones 4 to 9

False Indigo Companion Plants

Plants that go well with false indigo (Baptisia) are sun loving perennials, shrubs and annuals. These tall upright plants look great growing next to salvia, bee balm, coneflowers, ninebark, elderberry and ornamental grasses.