

  • Borders
  • Woodland & Wildflower Gardens
  • Container Gardens


  • Often Evergreen
  • Low Maintenance
  • Long Blooming


  • Full Shade to Full Sun
  • Sunlight Requirements Depend on Species

Growing Zones:

Primrose is the common name for Oenothera, Calylophus, and Primula species. Many of the plants are evergreen where they are hardy and make nice edging plants or groundcovers. Oenothera, or evening primrose, has pink, yellow, or white blooms that open in the late afternoon or evening. This native group of plants can spread quickly by seed and runners. Calylophus species, known as yellow sundrops and Texas Primrose, are also native and have yellow blooms in spring that open during the day. Primula species come in an array of bloom colors and form clumps that slowly expand.