Watering Tickseed

Tickseed, or Coreopsis, can be either an annual or perennial plant depending on its particular variety. These perform best in warmer climates but need an adequate level of moisture to thrive and grow. To avoid under or overwatering, follow the guide below to make sure your tickseed survives through all seasons easily.


How To Tell If Tickseed Needs Watering

With most plants, you may try to water if you notice the leaves are wilting or are turning yellow. If this happens to your tickseed, lack of water may not be the culprit. Tickseeds can be prone to crown rot if they are watered too frequently. That being said, avoid overwatering to keep it healthy. The symptoms of rot include wilted, discolored foliage. If you notice these symptoms but the soil is still moist, crown rot may be the cause. However, if you check the soil and it feels dry, then it’s time to water your plant.


How Often To Water Tickseed

If your tickseed is newly planted, it’s important that you keep the soil moist, but not wet. Water it generously every few days until it is fully established.

If your plant is already established, you won’t need to water it as frequently. Ideally, you should be checking the top 2 inches of the soil to determine its moisture level. If it feels fairly moist, avoid watering. If it feels dry, water generously. As mentioned before, overwatering can cause crown rot. In fact, tickseeds can tolerate drought conditions and can go extended periods between watering. However, if you want a large number of flowers, water deeply on a regular watering schedule.

If you’re growing tickseed in a container, make sure the pot has drainage holes and is at least 8 to 10 inches deep and wide. Because soil tends to dry out more rapidly in containers, we recommend checking the top inch of the soil frequently to determine if it needs watering. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water.

Best Time To Water Tickseed

Watering tickseed in the morning is the best option. Doing so allows the water to fully absorb into the soil without evaporating. But, if you notice that the soil is overly dry, water it as soon as possible, regardless of what time of day it is.

During the summertime, you should be checking the soil on a regular basis. As the winter approaches, make sure to water tickseed plants deeply until the ground freezes. 

How to Water Tickseed

Step 1 - Check the top inch or two of the soil.

Use your finger to determine the moisture level of the soil. If it has dried out, water immediately. If the soil is moist, leave it as is.

Step 2 - Apply a generous amount of water.

Water it deeply but be careful not to overwater. Tickseeds do not like wet soil. Watering deeply will help keep the soil moist and will boost blooms.

Step 3 - Remember that wilting doesn’t necessarily signal dry soil.

If your tickseed is wilting, check the moisture of the soil before watering. The wilting may be due to crown rot and not dehydration.

Tickseed Watering Tips

  • After planting, water it generously every few days.
  • Once established, check the top of the soil every couple of days.
  • If growing in a container, check the moisture level regularly as it will dry out faster.
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Author Chris Link - Published 07-26-2022