Mopheads (Hydrangea macrophylla) are the most popular hydrangeas grown in home gardens and landscapes. Most mopheads grown today are blue or pink but a few varieties are white. These are also commonly known as French hydrangeas.
Lacecap Hydrangeas and Mophead Hydrangeas are both classified as Hydrangea macrophylla. Both types require the same growing environment.
Any mophead hydrangeas (except the white ones) can be either blue, purple or pink, depending on the soil composition.
Mophead hydreangeas require a lot of moisture, but soil that drains well. These grow best in locations that get afternoon shade and protection from the sun. During very hot periods, the plants may need watered every day. Just make sure the soil dries out completely between watering. We also recommend applying a layer of mulch around the shrubs to help retain moisture, add nutrients to the soil, and protect the roots. Fertilize in early spring as new growth starts to emerge and again in early summer. Do not fertilze late into the season.
Pruning Mophead Hydrangeas
Mophead hydrangeas are in pruning group 1. Meaning you should prune the shrubs in July or early August. If you wait too late in the year, you will risk cutting off the flower buds for the following year. This may not be an issue for re-blooming mophead hydreangeas that grow on old and new wood. But for hydrangeas that grow on just old wood, you will be cutting off all of the flowers for the following year. For more information, read our complete hydrangea pruning guide below.